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Profile of the Head of Department


Dr. Peter Chukwuma Obutte

LL.B (Ibadan), LL.M. (Ife), LL.M. (Oslo),Cert. (NY), LL.D (Oslo), B.L.

Ag. Head, Jurisprudence and International Law




Name: Dr. Peter Chukwuma Obutte

Department: Jurisprudence & International Law

Faculty: Law

Email: [email protected], [email protected]


University Education

University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria 1991 – 1997

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile – Ife, Nigeria 1999 – 2001

Fordham University, U.S.A 2004

University of Oslo, Norway 2001 – 2007


Academic Qualifications

(a) Bachelor of Laws (LL.B),

(b) Second Class Honours (Upper Division) University of Ibadan, 1997

(c) Master of Laws (LL. M) Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife, 2001

(d) Specialization LL. M University of Oslo, Norway, 2002

(e) Certificate in Anti – Trust Law Fordham University, New York, U.S.A, 2004

(f) Doctor of Laws (Dr. juris), LL.D University of Oslo, 2007


Professional Qualifications and Diplomas

Barrister at Law (B.L) Nigerian Law School, Abuja, 1999

Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes

Undergraduate Prizes:

(a) Professor C. S. Ola’s Prize Best Graduating Student in Company Law and Taxation, 1997


Postgraduate Scholarships

(a) Norwegian Government Scholarship for Specialization in LL.M, 2001

(b) Norwegian Government Scholarship for Doctoral Degree, 2002 – 2006

Honours, Distinctions and Membership of Learned Societies

(a) Member, Nigerian Bar Association

(b) Member, International Bar Association

(c) Member, Law and Society Association, U. S. A

(d) Member, Nigeria Association of Energy Economics

(e) International Association of Energy Economics, U.S.A

(f) Research Fellow, Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway, 2002 – 2006

(g) Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Research Center for Computer and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway, 2006 –2007


Details of Teaching Experience at University Level

A. Undergraduate

(a) Courses taught:

LPI 501 Jurisprudence and Legal Theory (2008 – date) Co – taught

LPI 502 Jurisprudence and Legal Theory (2008 – date) Co – taught

LPI 505 Public International Law (2008 – date) C0 – taught

LPI 506 Public International Law (2008 – date) Co – taught

B. Postgraduate

(a) Courses taught:

LPI 709 International Economic Law (2008 – date) Taught alone

LPI 710 International Economic Law (2008 – date) Taught alone

LPI 719 Environment and Development Law (2008 – date) Co – taught

LPI 720 Environment and Development Law (2008 – date) Co – taught


C. Administrative Duties (University, Faculty and Departmental Committees)

a) University Level:

(i) Member, University of Ibadan Senate, 2011 – 16

(ii) Member, Senate Committee on ICT, 2012 – 2013

(iii) Member, Senate Business Committee, 2011 – 2016

(iv) Member, Senate Publications Committee, 2012 – 2013

(v) Member, Senate (University) Committee on Formulating and Drafting of University of Ibadan Research Policy, 2008 – 2010

(vi) Co – investigator & Member, Steering Committee for the Establishment of ‘Center for Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law (CPEEL)’ as a Center of Excellence in the University of Ibadan, 2010 – date

(vii) Member, University Committee on Drafting of University’s Gender Policy, 2010

(viii) Member, University Committee on Drafting of University of Ibadan Sexual Harassment Policy, 2010. (ix) Member, University Planning Committee on 4th – Nigerian Universities Research and Development Fair 2010 (NURESDEF 2010)

(x) Member, University Committee on Quality Assurance Policy, 2010

(xi) Member, University Committee on Authorship and Scholarly Publications Policy, 2010

(xii) Member, Olasupo Morohundiya Foundation for Legal Education and Development (COMFLED), Faculty of Law, University of Ibadan, 2010

(xiii) Member, University Committee on Implementation of Quality Assurance Policy, 2011 – present

(xiv) Member, Committee on the Development of Five year Strategic Plan on Staffing Requirements in the University of Ibadan (2011 – 2016)

(xv) Member, Committee on Establishment and Construction of Multi – Centers’ Complex in Ajibode, University of Ibadan, 2011.

b) Faculty of Law Level:

(i) Faculty Committee on Departmentalization and Splitting of Existing Two Departments into Four 2010 – present

(ii) Member, Faculty Curriculum Committee, 2009 – 2013

(iii) Member, Planning Committee on Nigeria Law Teachers Conference, 2009

(iv) Member, Faculty Post – Graduate Committee, 2008 – present

(v) Faculty Representative, Board of Faculty of Arts (2016 to present)

c) Departmental Level (Department of Jurisprudence and International Law)

(i) Member, Editorial Committee, University of Ibadan Journal of Public and International Law (since 2009)

(ii) Post – Graduate Coordinator (2011)

(iii) Ag. Head of Department, 2017 -



(a) Book

1. Obutte, P. C. (2008): Theory and Practice of Telecommunications Regulation in Nigeria through the Development Question. Germany VDM – Verdlag Publishers; 352 pages. ISBN: 978 – 3 – 639 – 07104 – 7. 100% Contribution. Germany.

(b) Selected chapters in Books already published

2. Obutte, P. C. (2004): Telecommunications and the Regulatory Regime in Nigeria. Georg Philip Krog and Anne Gunn B. Bekken (Ed), Yulex, (pages 95 - 116), available at: Norwegian

Research Center for Computers and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway. ISBN: 82 – 7226 – 083 –2. 100% Contribution. Norway.

3. Obutte, P. C. (2007): Knowledge Economy theories underpinning EU’s i2010 strategy and their (in) capacity for representation in a regulatory framework for Nigeria. In Anne Gunn B. Bekken (Ed), Yulex, 2007. (pages 193 – 208), Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway. ISBN: 978 – 82 – 7226 – 107 – 7. 100% Contribution. Norway.

4. Obutte, P. C. (2016): Law and Interdisciplinary Research in the Nigeria Development Process. In: Adenikinju Adeola, Afeikhena Jerome and Olawale Ogunkola (Ed), The Quest for Development, Essays in Honour of Professor Akin Iwayemi, Adeola Published by Center for Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law, pages 760 – 790. 100% Contribution. Nigeria.

(c) Selected articles that have already appeared in Refereed Conference Proceedings

5. Obutte, P. C. (2012): Multilateralism and Sustainable Development: Perspectives on International Practices, Policies and Legal Instruments in: Popoola L et al (ed) Building Resilence in Sustainable Development in a Changing World, proceedings of Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit 2012, 21 – 48. 100% Contribution. Nigeria.

6. Obutte, P. C. and Idiaghe, L. (2013): Reclaiming Nigeria’s Natural Resource Frontiers after: A.G. Federation v. A.G. Abia & 35 ors, Paper presented on 23 April, 2013 at the 6th Nigeria Association of Energy Economics (NAEE)/International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE) Coneference at Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Lagos in: Adenikinju A etal (ed) Energy Resource Management in a Federal System: Challenges, Constraints and Strategies, NAEE Publication, pg. 650 – 663. 50% Contribution. Nigeria.

(d) Selected articles that have already appeared in learned journals

7. Obutte, P. C. and Mgbeokwere, J. C. (2012): Reforms in the Nigeria Telecommunications Sector: Locating the Role of the Universal Service Provision Fund. Igbinedion University, Journal of Business and Contemporary Issues Vol. 1. No. 1. 76 – 107. 70% Contribution. Nigeria.

8. Obutte, P.C. (2011): Law and Development: Bridging the Breaches in the circle of Development within the Context of Particularities. University of Ibadan Law Journal Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 245-267. 100% Contribution. Nigeria.

9. Obutte, P. C. (2008): The Right to Food and Adequate Nutrition: An Approach from the Human Capital and Development Dimension. Kogi State University Law Journal, Vol. 2 &3, pages 112 – 127. 100% Contribution. Nigeria.

10. Obutte, P. C. (2013): Competition Regime and the Energy Sector Reforms: An Appraisal of the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria. University of Ibadan Law Journal, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2013 pages 203 – 222. 100% Contribution. Nigeria.

11. Obutte, P. C. (2013): Ethics, Integrity, Policy and Legal Issues in Research. Akungba Law Journal, Vol. 2. No. 1, pages 1 – 14. Faculty of Law, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, Ondo State.100% Contribution. Nigeria.

12. Obutte, P. C. (2014): ICT Laws in Nigeria: Planning and Regulating a Societal Journey into the Future. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, PER: 2014 Volume 17 No 1 [14], North – West University, South Africa. 100% Contribution. South Africa.

13. Obutte, P. C. (2013): Corruption, Administration of Justice and the Judiciary in Nigeria. University of Ibadan Journal of Public and International Law, Vol. 3, pages 40 – 56. 100% Contribution. Nigeria.

14. Okpanachi, E and Obutte, P. C. (2015): Neoliberal Reforms in an Emerging Democracy: The Case of the Privatization of Public Enterprises in Nigeria, 1999–2014. Poverty & Public Policy, pages 253 – 276. 50% Contribution. United Kingdom.

15. Obutte, P. C. (2016): Energy Development in the Gulf of Guinea: Prospects for Trade-Investment and Security. The Nigerian Law Journal, Journal of Nigerian Association of Law Teachers, Vol. 19, No. 2, pages 275 -306. 100% Contribution. Nigeria.

16. Obutte, P. C. and Uzoh – Peters, A. (2016): Law, Development and Market Governance in Nigeria. Ahmadu Bello University Journal of Private and Comparative Law, Volume 9, No. 2, 2016, pages 555 – 566. 50% Contribution. Nigeria.

(e) Technical Reports and Monographs

17. Iwayemi A, Iledare W, Adenikinju A, Akinpelu L, Obutte P. C., Ayoade D. An Analytical and Comparative Review of the PIB and Engagement with Civil Society on Dissemination, Report to: Facility for Oil Sector Transparency (FOSTER), June 2012.